Soybeans PFS Forecast Model was made in October 2014, and it is
unbelievable how it was able to suggest always the most important trends
over the year. And we have not been just lucky, because our forecast
was great also in the 2014 Grains
You have now the opportunity to judge by yourself if it can be worth to order the new 2016 Grains Bulletin, you can have the opportunity to know in advance which trend to follow with a very high
probability of success, because good profits are always made following the main trend.
This is what I wrote in the 2015 Grains Bulletin in October 2014, Soybeans section:
- January should be a weak or sideways month, no important movements, I would stay FLAT.
- If we see a strong up movement in January, the Market should push down immediately in February. Plus, if we do see a quite strong up push in January, it is probable that we will see a quite negative trend over the year.
- The best moment to buy should be in February, where the PFS suggests to buy at the end of February, but the uptrend could start even before that. We will pay attention to it following the most important prices over the year.
- So, the uptrend should start in February and March/April should be months where we see higher levels.
- An intermediate High arrives in the second half of March or in April.
- Then down into May. May should be a Low and a strong buying opportunity for quite a strong up movement that should lead Soybeans into the Summer.
- After this uptrend, Soybeans does a High between June and August. It’s not easy at the moment to be more precise, let’s say that I would prefer to see the High in June/July and the downtrend should start in July. At the moment it looks to be the best month to open SHORT positions.
- The new downtrend from July should push down till October/November, where a new bottom phase is expected, with low volatility.
- In November we should see also the beginning of a new little uptrend till the end of the year.
Reading the comment, you can see it was not easy between February and April, where I was expecting an up push that never arrived, but then we were expecting a descent from April till May and then strong up... and everything was just perfect, like the top in July and the descent till October.
The Corn section was similar, considering these two Markets move usually in a similar way. Here you can see as well how the
forecast we made one year in advance was great, reading what we said in October 2014:
- The first buy opportunity is, in my opinion, in February, where a new uptrend should start.
- The uptrend can work till March or April, where a new descent or sideways phase can start till May.
- May should be a new buying opportunity, above all if it turns out to be a Low. The up push from May should last till July, a possible High. The High can be done also in June or August, but July is my favorite month.
- From July a new downtrend should start, working till autumn…
Read with attention what I said and look at the Market, you will find out how the forecast was just perfect!
The forecast was great, and again, the
hard work had been rewarded. The strong up push you see in September is
not real, this is only because of the change of the Contract using the
Spot Chart of Corn.
you aware of what it means when you know which trend we have to follow
for weeks? It means that you can make 100 and more points of profits.
One Future Contract is 50 points per 1 point... you are good in math,
The new 2016 Corn and
Soybeans Forecast Bulletin is now available. Plus, we are adding the
Wheat Market to be able to provide analysis on this Market from January.
Every 2-3 months we send updates to give more precise details about how
to trade the forecast and which prices we should use.
new 2016 Corn and Soybeans Forecast Bulletin is now available. Plus, we
are adding the Wheat Market to be able to provide analysis on this
from January. Every 2-3 months we send updates to give more precise
details about how to trade the forecast and which prices we should use.
Now it is possible to pay with PAYPAL!
You can read the previous Newsletters following this link:
Best Regards,
I Am in Wall Street Ltd Team
Skype: I Am in Wall Street
High Probability Trading Techniques - S&P500, Crude Oil, Gold, Corn, Soybeans, FOREX, Stocks and S&P/ASX 200
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