Friday, 7 July 2017

Is My Work a SCAM or Not?

Is My Work a SCAM or Not?
- I am sorry for this my outburst -

I am sorry, today I feel I have to explain and defend myself, after yesterday, not for the first time, I received an email from a guy that never subscribed my services, telling me that I was offering SCAM, or something similar. This is very annoying for me, I always try to explain in a very honest way everything people ask me. I know there are many SCAMS in this field, and this situation makes people feel as I am one of them.
I am doing the best I can to show not just forecasts, but precise signals based on studies, and who has subscribed my work knows that I have precise rules that I offer in my Daily Report Service. I keep a Trading Record File since 2012 of every signal I offer, hence people could see how I trade, and trust in my work. If this is not enough, in April 2017 I started something that should erase any doubt: I share my screen with Teamviewer to my Daily and Weekly Subscribers, where they can see every day(***), in real-time, the trades I take with the Futures I do personally trade. People can see over the time if I make profits or not; you can see it as a big risk, but I do believe in my work, and I thought this was the best way to help people to understand my strategy, and show them that I do not sell SCAMS. But still, I receive emails like the one I received yesterday. I think I cannot do more than showing in real-time all my trades; what can I do more than that?
One month ago, I was promoting this new skill about my Services, the Screen Sharing (see the Screen Sharing article here), and I gave to possibility to access for one day to everyone; the Account was at 508K USD more or less. This account is now at 523K USD, after one month, which means that the only purpose of trading has been achieved so far, and these are facts that every subscriber of my service could see. What can I do more than that? Showing in real-time all my trading strategy? The Screen Sharing Service is offered subscribing the Daily or Weekly Report Service.

You probably think this is strange, but do you know that most of the times I do not suggest people to subscribe my Daily Report Service, which is the top service I offer? It is because I care of people, and after an experience of 17 years, I understand when someone is ready or not to follow my strategy. Unfortunately, I meet many people that want to trade Futures without having the right knowledge, or funds enough, or time enough to follow the trades. People do not understand this is a job, not an easy way to make extra-money. Actually, trading is an easy way to lose money if you do not do it properly.

I offer different services: Bulletins are based on the forecast, and I provide 4-6 updates per year, but I do not offer I precise constant strategy in this service (this is also why it costs 1/4 the price of the Daily Report Service). Sometimes I also meet people that want to see perfect forecasts, but they do not understand that a perfect forecast does not exist mathematically, and they keep believing in fairy tales; these people are just very lazy, they do not want to work, they want to buy a forecast and make a lot of money with it; trading is not like that, wake up! I do offer forecasts that statistically give good results, but I am aware that they cannot be always right.
A more constant study with a general strategy is released in the Weekly Report, where we update the study and the strategy every week.
To have all the precise strategies every day, I offer the Daily Report Service, where you learn how I do open and close the positions in intraday using a 5-minute chart (Weekly Report included). If you have any question, please contact me.

Trust who shows you facts. The purpose of trading is only one: PROFITS. You should trust who is able to show them, because analysis is not trading, forecasting is not trading; trading is trading, and the result of it is only one final number, you should rely on that number.

(***) The Screen Sharing Service is active every day, but obviously not when I am on holiday, because I do take holidays too, I am human and I need it; or when I do volunteering (last 10 days or August every year); or when I am travelling, not being in my office.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

2017 Bulletins - Half Price Now - See the Resutls so far

Review of the 2017 Bulletins in the first 6 months of the year

Half Price Now, Order Here:


The main trend has been forecast very well. We had some troubles at the beginning of the year where a drop was expected, but it never happened. Also, the S&P500 is not easy to trade due to choppy movements and narrow sideways ranges. We will write a post in the next days about this situation. Generally, we cannot complain about the forecast, suggesting very well the main trend. What’s next? Order now the 2017, Half Price for the last 6 months of the Year.



The Cotton PFS did a great job until May, even if it has missed the top of May due to unexpected news. As you can see, the forecast also hit perfectly the top of March 2017. In the Bulletin we managed every movement with precise levels. For example we said to use the levels 79.54 to follow the up push above it, and take some profits, or to use 75.70 to close any LONG position under it, because under it the situation could turn very negative. You can Order Now the 2017 Cotton Bulletin at Half Price.


Live Cattle

Great job with Live Cattle, where we could follow a great up push at the beginning of the year. Then, we had to deal with the up push of the end of April/beginning of May, not easy due to a high volatility in intraday, but we used it as a new opportunity to open SHORT positions, bringing to us new good profits. Order Now the 2017 Live Cattle Bulletin, Half Price.


Corn & Soybeans

 The forecast worked very well, we cannot complain about it, but we had to deal with a never ending sideways pattern. It is not easy when the Market remains in such a narrow range for 8 months! But the forecast helped us to take some profits, even if not big due to the lack of swings.

With Soybeans we had a great forecast, except for the period from 16 February to 31 March; our forecast model suggested an uptrend, but the Market pushed strongly down in that period. Obviously I had some losses, but thanks to our strategy we used intelligent stops to protect the positions.

From April, the forecast is back to work very well, and we believe it will continue for the rest of the year, even because we have a great price map that is working perfectly, helping us to open and close our positions at important Key Levels.