Monday, 5 November 2012

Prandelli 2013 Forecast Bulletins

The PFS Forecast Bulletin
For the S&P 500 & Grain Markets

It's now available the 2013 Forecast Bulletin and Guide for the S&P500, Corn and Soybeans. To order it or to see the description of this service follow this link: 

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Now you can buy the 2012 S&P500 Bulletin at 70.00$

Available now the 2012 Bulletin for the S&P500 at 70.00 USD, to know my forecast till the end of the year. Click here to buy it!

Monday, 20 August 2012

... and August arrives... and Bulletin advised to buy at the Low in June

Look the S&P500, and pay attention to the up trend till August... and look the Low price...

To show you that I foreseen the up trend till August, you can see what I wrote in my Reports, in advance, and how I was able to make a profit of 89 points (and more...) in my mid-term strategy:

11 April: Then market should go up till August, where we will see new Highs, important Highs

17 April: Yesterday I studied again a lot of time the market to try to understand. Well, I can confirm the good up trend from May or June till August.

In truth, we bought at 1277 Future points, with a stop at 1255 points, this is what I said in my 5th June Report:

LONG at 1277 Future points. Stop at 1255 points.

Future never touched 1255 points.
Then I closed 1/2 at 1295 points (+18 points) and the other 1/2 at 1322 points (+44 points).
I re-bought all then at 1315 Index points, with a profit of +89 points closed in August! NO BAD!

And to show you how we were waiting this up trend till August, look the general forecast of the 2012 S&P500 Bulletin, published in April:

This is the swing published in my 2012 Bulletin, where you can see that I was waiting an uptrend till August. Market confirmed the right forecast.

So, I forecast a general up trend till August, and we are seeing this, look the chart! Is it impossible to produce reliable forecasts? I don't think so...

But the TIME is not the only factor, so I'm happy to show you how my Bulletin would has been useful to buy at the Low area of June, just studying the importance of the prices (this is a reason because in the Reports we bought at the Low).
In my 2012 Bulletin I wrote:

Let’s turn to the prices: according to my studies, S&P500 is working in a price
range between area 1290-1296 (-30 margin points) and xxxx points.
Indeed at the moment my principal target on the S&P500 is area xxxx.
Reached this price the S&P500 could begin to go down, but everything depends
on WHEN this price can be reached. Moreover, if the S&P500 should retraces
till area 1260-1295 without having reached the first target at xxxx, this
could be a very good BUY point

My target price xxxx has been not touched yet, so, when market arrived to hit area 1260-1295 in June, my indications were for a BUY. I wrote my Bulletin in March, 3 months in advance. Look the chart, and you will see that the most important Low of the year is, at the moment, at 1266.74 points, in my forecast price area! And today the S&P500 is at 1417 points. Not a bad opportunity!

So, we have the price, we have the time... we can start to trade.

How can you learn to forecast the up trend till August? Here the PFS course.
How can you learn to use these prices? Here the Law of  Cause and Effect course.

What's the next? Subscribe the Daily Report, not only forecast, but also trading strategies. Real trading in action...
We can make good trading together if we are able to wait, with patience and discipline, the right moment to trade!


Tuesday, 17 July 2012

News on the Reports


Dear subscribers,

as you know, I’m trying to create forecast on new markets, after what I saw on the Commodities. The PFS is missing the last up move, but if we look at the past months, the PFS is working very well on the CORN. And with the key prices we can manage any trade, also when the PFS is wrong. In this way we can implement the real secret of the trading: little losses and big profits. The key price is very important, it is fundamental to have a strategy, and we can create a profitable strategy using the key price and following the trend and the turning points with the PFS.
At the moment I’m working on the Wheat because I have good old data on this market. If you have some favourite market that you would like to trade, please let me know, but remember that I need a historical data at least 50-60 years old.

Some of you gave me some suggestions, and I appreciated it. So, I will change something on my Report following your suggestions, but I need also to save time because I’m having some problem of time. As you know I traded the S&P500, and in the last months I’m trading also some Commodities. But it is not easy to follow many markets, because there is not only the trading, but also the studying that I have to do to be able to create profitable strategies. I have to do it every day if I want trade seriously. So, you can understand that I have to study charts every day, I have to write the daily report, follow the market, and study also books to find new intuitions to improve the analysis and the forecast.
To be able to manage all this, in the last days I changed my working desktop, so now I can use 9 monitors, and this will help me to follow many markets in the same time.

Well, looking the general criticisms and suggestions, I can resume them in these points:

1 – people ask me to divide the long term, mid term and short term view. All this is little bit confused at the moment in my Report.

SOLUTION: I decided to publish a Monthly Report for a Long Term view, a Weekly Report for the Mid Term, and a Daily Report for the intraday instructions and strategy. All these Reports will be included in your subscription, don’t worry. In this way the daily Report will be lighter, and I will write only the strategy with the key prices and mid term prices.
I hope you understand if I don’t give a longer view, as a yearly view. To be able to do it is very difficult, and I think not so important. If you want to know in advance my general view for the year, there is the Yearly Bulletin that you can buy on the Blog.
This division on different time frames bring us at the next point…

2 – someone said to me that the Report is not updated every time, because I repeat the same things for more days.

SOLUTION: of course, this is normal, if a have a forecast for next week or more, I can not change the forecast every day. It will be the same. If I’m forecasting an up move in the next week, the forecast will not change till next week! For example, if I say that tomorrow we have to buy because market will run up in the next 60 days, I think that the Reports will be very boring for you in the next two months. The Report will never change! But if the forecast will become true, I think that an up trend of 60 days will be not boring for your portfolio!
But for this reason, by now, I will post the forecast only in the Monthly and Weekly Report. In the Daily Report I will speak only about the strategy, so there will be no repetitions. This will save time to me too

3 – someone ask me to show the potential turning points in the future, and the possible future projection.

SOLUTION: I will try to do it, no problem. Not always it is easy to do a projection, because you know that sometime there is some doubt, and I need to wait the prices to be able to make a precise forecast. But I can show the general trend and the preferred path. I saw in the past that when I did it, rarely the general trend was wrong.

4 – someone said to me that they would be happy to learn my method, and they ask me if I can show the studies and the reasons.

SOLUTION: Buy the course on Sacred Science!  I hope you understand that I can not explain my studies here. Everything has a value. I can not do it for 50$/month. In this Blog, if you have patience, you can make profits if we will continue to trade like in the 2 past years, just paying only 50$/month. If you can not follow the market every day, you can see that we are making great trades also in the mid term sections, with only 5 trades since 1stof June. I think that at the moment the results on the mid-term section are better than the intraday section. And buying my 2 courses, it is absolutely not difficult to be able to do the same trades. So, I hope you understand if I don’t teach my method in the Blog. By the way, some people thanks me because I showed them how is possible to trade cutting the losses, learning my approach looking my strategy.

5 – commodities section is in a mid term approach, so it is normal that in some day nothing changes. I have all the dates of the forecast trend in advance thanks to the PFS, so I will give you the Report on the commodities only with a Weekly Report, giving you all the prices to trade. In the Daily Report I will give you only the updates and the strategies.

Well, that’s all. All these solutions will help me to save the time to study and to improve my work.
I’m alone, my father helps me in something (not now, it is in vacation till September), so please give me the time to do all. I hope to create all the Reports before the and of July.

If you have some question or requests, please let me know.


Wednesday, 11 July 2012


In June I was saying that the general trend was UP in my opinion, and the PFS was expecting a possible BUY OPPORTUNITY around 27-28 June.
Here you can see the power of the PFS, because in date 12 June I was saying:
"It is expected a descent now looking the PFS, and this descent should be a buy opportunity. Then the best date should be around 15 June (only if we will see a descent now) or around 27-28 June. Which price market will hit will be fundamental."
So, the PFS was indicating a BUY OPPORTUNITY on the S&P500 around 27-28 June. We can see the PFS and the S&P500 charts:

The strategy gives us the opportunity to follow the up trend. We did some trades in loss, waiting the up push. But the losses are always very little, and this is the secret. We close the trade with a profit of more than 50 points. We don't need to trade every swing, this is impossible!
The biggest problem of some subscribers is that they want try to trade the S&P500 in intraday, but thay have no time to do it, so they make some errors and lose money. This is not the solution. If we want trade in intraday we have to follow the market every day. But if you can not do it, this is not a problem, because I begun in June to offer information to trade the S&P500 also in a mid-term approach.
Of course this approach needs patience, because we don't trade every day, but it is going very well.
At the moment this is the mid-term result:

Date LONG/SHORT Opening Price Amount Closing Price Amount Points Tot. Points
5 June 2012 LONG 1278 1   
6 June 2012 1296  1/2 +18
11 June 2012 1322  1/2 +44 +35,5
28 June 2012 LONG 1315 1   
3 July 2012 1365  1/3 +16,66

So, at the moment we are LONG from 1315 points, and the S&P500 is now at 1343 points, in profit of 28 points. We closed 1/3 of the position at 1365 points, with a profit of 50 points (16.66 considering the position /3).
In this way, following the indications of the mid-term approach, it is possible to trade also without following the intraday. If you have patience, this could be useful for you.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Last trades on the S&P500 and CORN

Here you can download the file where I show the trades of the BLOG in the last month with the S&P500 and CORN.

There is a INTRADAY TRADING section for the S&P500, and this doesn't mean that we make 30 trades per day, but it means that we follow the intraday prices to enter in the market with close stop-loss using precise prices. Then we will try to follow the trend for days. Since 21 May we gain around 45 points.

In the DAILY TRADING, I did only 1 trade because this service started in June, of course this is a service for who can not follow the intraday market. This kind of strategy need patience, stop-loss will be wider, but following the PFS and a intelligent strategy I think we will make good profits. At the moment the first trade produced a profit of 35 points on the S&P500.

Then we have the TRADING on the Corn. We started to trade the CORN in March, after a study of the PFS on this Commodity. We have seen that we can do a great work on the Corn, because we have good prices and good forecaster instruments. In fact we make good trades on this market. In the file you will find only the trades since 27 April 2012, with a profit of 35 points.

Download here the file to see every trade: TRADES.PDF

Friday, 8 June 2012

New commodity: SOYBEANS

Hi dear friends,

after the Corn, I'm studying the PFS and the prices on the Soybeans.
Corn is working really very well and, as I said some month ago, I was expecting to make good profits with this Commodities. I was really surprised when some month ago I saw how it was easier to trade the Corn than the S&P500. And now I understand why W.D. Gann said that Commodities are better than Stocks to make money.
I give you the trades of the Corn that we make in the Blog in the last month:
1-SHORT at 628 points. Closed 1/3 at 610 and 2/3 at 587 points. (+18 points and then +41 points)
2-LONG at 587 points. Stopped at 572 points. (-15 points)
3-LONG at 575 points. Stopped at 572 points. (-3 points)
4-LONG at 575 points. Closed 1/3 at 595 points. (+20 points). The rest is LONG, now in profit of 28 points.

This is not bad. We are working with good prices, so we can trade always with little losses and higher profits.

About the S&P500, in May I was not able to make good profits because I was not expecting a market so Low. But with patience I said that area 1260-1290 was a strong support. Well, we bought at 1274 points, and yesterday we closed all at 1319 points, +46 points in profit. If I can gain 46 points in only 1 trade, I can do one trade at month! So, after a big patience in May, we make a great trade in the last days.

A first study with the Soybeans, it seems work very well in the mid and long term.
Well, here I show the PFS vs Soybeans in the last 5 years.
You will see that the general trend was always forecasted. Only in 2007 we have some problem, but only in the periods between May and September, where it was expected a down trend that becomes an up trend.
2008 works perfectly.
2009 the PFS remains generally lateral in the first part of the year, when the Soybeans go up, but then the PFS hits the top and the descent after June.
2010 PFS is saying UP for all the year, and the trend is up for all the year.
2011 I would say that PFS did a great work!

What are you expecting? If you think you are disciplined, I can do the rest.
In the Blog now there is a section for people that can not follow intraday market, and so I give them daily strategies in the S&P500 too.

My Blog is the REAL TRADING, all my trades are in real time because I give the instruction of where and when to be LONG, SHORT or FLAT. This is real trading not only forecasts. Everyone can make forecast, but no everyone can show to be able to make money. I'm a trader, not an advisor.
And soon there will be new markets, with new indications, and now I'm ready to begin the study of the Silver and Gold.

For any question, please contact me:
SKYPE: I Am in Borsa
Aggiungimi a Skype

Sunday, 1 April 2012

AVAILABLE the 2014 BULLETIN for Grains and S&P500

The 2014 BULLETIN FOR GRAINS AND S&P500 is sold by SACRED SCIENCE, follow the link to have all the information, actually the are huge details that you can find, with a deep review about the 2013 Bulletin.


Friday, 16 March 2012


As always... I'm sorry for my bad english...

In my opinion there is no a better way to know something than know it directly. And I demostrated to myself that is possible to take profit from the market with a real trading (after years and years of sufferings). Blog is demostrating it, and every subscriber can attest it.

But the problem is the trader, not the market. Are you really sure that you are a disciplined man, with patience, without greed? So, are you really ready to trade? If you don't know yourself, if you are not able to have discipline and patience, in the market you are dead. This is my opinion. And I'm died a lot of times in the past.
I will show you an account that I'm managing, I have a records of all my trades on the contract of the S&P500 Future exp. March 2012, the contract ESH2. This is an account that I'm managing for another person (in my family), using generally only 1 contract, but in exceptional cases I used 2 or 3 contracts. You can see that from 14 December 2011 to 14 March 2012, (3 months) I gained 4782.82 Euro, that is around 6250 US Dollar. I think this is not bad, considering that I was working with a account that started with 14.000 US Dollar.
These are all the win&loss trades that I did on this contract, with 141 buy/sell. I pay around 3 Euro/buy or sell per contract. So I paid 141x3€x2=846 Euro in commissions.
In this exceptional case I show this records, so who is interested can calculate the avarage loss, the avarage win, the bigger loss, the bigger win... and to convince himself that if you don't cut the losses you will ALWAYS LOSE MONEY ON THE MARKET. This is the bigger lesson that you can never learn. It is possible to be a winner trader, but you have to accept the reality... cut the losses

ESH2 MINISP500 MAR12 Futures 141 4.782,82
Simbolo Data operazione Pzo medio Apertura

Pzo medio Chiusura Mercato Quantità Valuta P&L €
ESH2 14/12/2011 1.214,25
1.215,50 Futures 1 USD 48,1
ESH2 14/12/2011 1.216,50
1.210,25 Futures 1 USD -240,51
ESH2 15/12/2011 1.211,75
1.218,75 Futures 1 USD 268,84
ESH2 15/12/2011 1.214,38
1.215,50 Futures 2 USD 86,41
ESH2 16/12/2011 1.219,50
1.219,75 Futures 1 USD 9,57
ESH2 16/12/2011 1.219,00
1.215,50 Futures 1 USD -133,96
ESH2 16/12/2011 1.219,00
1.215,50 Futures 1 USD -133,96
ESH2 19/12/2011 1.211,00
1.216,75 Futures 1 USD 220,49
ESH2 19/12/2011 1.208,50
1.205,50 Futures 1 USD -115,04
ESH2 21/12/2011 1.208,50
1.231,00 Futures 1 USD 861,8
ESH2 21/12/2011 1.224,25
1.237,00 Futures 1 USD 488,36
ESH2 22/12/2011 1.240,00
1.243,75 Futures 1 USD 143,71
ESH2 23/12/2011 1.246,25
1.253,25 Futures 1 USD 268,06
ESH2 28/12/2011 1.251,38
1.251,00 Futures 2 USD -28,68
ESH2 29/12/2011 1.254,00
1.256,75 Futures 1 USD 106,72
ESH2 03/01/2012 1.278,50
1.276,00 Futures 1 USD 96,05
ESH2 10/01/2012 1.286,25
1.288,25 Futures 1 USD 78,08
ESH2 11/01/2012 1.286,25
1.281,25 Futures 1 USD -196,57
ESH2 11/01/2012 1.286,50
1.284,25 Futures 1 USD -88,46
ESH2 11/01/2012 1.286,50
1.284,25 Futures 1 USD -88,46
ESH2 11/01/2012 1.287,00
1.287,00 Futures 3 USD -98,29
ESH2 11/01/2012 1.286,67
1.284,25 Futures 3 USD -285,03
ESH2 11/01/2012 1.286,25
1.288,75 Futures 1 USD 98,29
ESH2 12/01/2012 1.286,13
1.284,50 Futures 2 USD -127,59
ESH2 12/01/2012 1.287,25
1.287,25 Futures 4 USD -225,74
ESH2 12/01/2012 1.287,08
1.288,25 Futures 1 USD 45,8
ESH2 12/01/2012 1.287,08
1.289,25 Futures 1 USD 85,06
ESH2 13/01/2012 1.287,08
1.287,50 Futures 1 USD 16,31
ESH2 13/01/2012 1.283,25
1.277,00 Futures 1 USD 244,7
ESH2 13/01/2012 1.272,75
1.276,00 Futures 1 USD -127,24
ESH2 13/01/2012 1.276,50
1.280,75 Futures 1 USD 166,39
ESH2 17/01/2012 1.284,00
1.296,25 Futures 1 USD 478,89
ESH2 17/01/2012 1.294,00
1.294,00 Futures 2 USD -146,6
ESH2 17/01/2012 1.295,00
1.296,50 Futures 1 USD -58,64
ESH2 17/01/2012 1.294,63
1.291,50 Futures 1 USD 122,17
ESH2 17/01/2012 1.294,63
1.291,25 Futures 1 USD 131,94
ESH2 17/01/2012 1.289,25
1.287,75 Futures 1 USD 58,64
ESH2 18/01/2012 1.287,75
1.289,75 Futures 1 USD -77,94
ESH2 19/01/2012 1.307,25
1.306,75 Futures 1 USD 19,36
ESH2 19/01/2012 1.307,50
1.309,25 Futures 2 USD -135,54
ESH2 19/01/2012 1.307,67
1.310,00 Futures 3 USD -271,09
ESH2 20/01/2012 1.308,63
1.309,50 Futures 2 USD -67,82
ESH2 20/01/2012 1.307,67
1.305,75 Futures 1 USD 74,28
ESH2 20/01/2012 1.307,78
1.309,50 Futures 1 USD -66,74
ESH2 20/01/2012 1.307,78
1.309,50 Futures 1 USD -66,74
ESH2 20/01/2012 1.307,93
1.306,75 Futures 1 USD 45,57
ESH2 23/01/2012 1.307,93
1.310,50 Futures 1 USD -98,87
ESH2 23/01/2012 1.308,48
1.307,00 Futures 1 USD 56,67
ESH2 23/01/2012 1.308,48
1.311,00 Futures 1 USD -96,98
ESH2 23/01/2012 1.308,99
1.308,25 Futures 1 USD 28,49
ESH2 23/01/2012 1.309,33
1.311,50 Futures 1 USD -83,44
ESH2 23/01/2012 1.309,33
1.311,50 Futures 1 USD -83,44
ESH2 24/01/2012 1.309,91
1.305,25 Futures 1 USD 179,34
ESH2 24/01/2012 1.309,91
1.309,00 Futures 1 USD 35,14
ESH2 26/01/2012 1.306,50
1.320,75 Futures 1 USD 542,03
ESH2 26/01/2012 1.320,63
1.319,75 Futures 1 USD 33,28
ESH2 26/01/2012 1.320,63
1.313,00 Futures 1 USD 290,03
ESH2 30/01/2012 1.299,25
1.297,50 Futures 1 USD 66,74
ESH2 30/01/2012 1.300,50
1.303,50 Futures 2 USD -228,83
ESH2 30/01/2012 1.302,50
1.304,00 Futures 1 USD -57,21
ESH2 30/01/2012 1.303,75
1.302,00 Futures 3 USD -200,23
ESH2 30/01/2012 1.304,25
1.308,00 Futures 1 USD 143,02
ESH2 31/01/2012 1.304,25
1.304,50 Futures 1 USD 9,49
ESH2 31/01/2012 1.306,25
1.306,00 Futures 1 USD -9,49
ESH2 31/01/2012 1.303,83
1.303,50 Futures 1 USD 12,65
ESH2 31/01/2012 1.303,83
1.303,25 Futures 1 USD 22,14
ESH2 31/01/2012 1.303,83
1.303,25 Futures 1 USD 22,14
ESH2 31/01/2012 1.306,00
1.306,00 Futures 3 USD -47,43
ESH2 31/01/2012 1.305,67
1.306,25 Futures 1 USD 22,14
ESH2 31/01/2012 1.305,36
1.305,75 Futures 1 USD 14,76
ESH2 01/02/2012 1.305,36
1.305,25 Futures 1 USD -4,22
ESH2 01/02/2012 1.305,36
1.318,50 Futures 1 USD 498,63
ESH2 01/02/2012 1.317,00
1.321,25 Futures 1 USD 161,29
ESH2 01/02/2012 1.323,75
1.322,50 Futures 1 USD 47,44
ESH2 02/02/2012 1.324,25
1.321,25 Futures 1 USD 114,56
ESH2 09/02/2012 1.349,00
1.346,25 Futures 1 USD 103,48
ESH2 10/02/2012 1.342,75
1.341,75 Futures 1 USD 37,91
ESH2 13/02/2012 1.340,50
1.346,00 Futures 1 USD -207,48
ESH2 13/02/2012 1.347,25
1.350,25 Futures 1 USD -113,17
ESH2 15/02/2012 1.353,75
1.352,75 Futures 1 USD 38,19
ESH2 15/02/2012 1.353,75
1.352,25 Futures 1 USD 57,29
ESH2 16/02/2012 1.336,50
1.341,50 Futures 1 USD -192,57
ESH2 16/02/2012 1.339,08
1.343,00 Futures 3 USD -452,55
ESH2 16/02/2012 1.343,50
1.346,00 Futures 1 USD -96,29
ESH2 16/02/2012 1.351,50
1.355,50 Futures 1 USD -154,06
ESH2 16/02/2012 1.353,00
1.357,00 Futures 1 USD -154,06
ESH2 17/02/2012 1.353,00
1.357,00 Futures 1 USD -151,99
ESH2 24/02/2012 1.355,25
1.365,00 Futures 1 USD 363,48
ESH2 28/02/2012 1.357,25
1.369,75 Futures 1 USD 464,55
ESH2 28/02/2012 1.370,25
1.369,25 Futures 1 USD 37,16
ESH2 28/02/2012 1.370,50
1.370,25 Futures 1 USD 9,29
ESH2 28/02/2012 1.370,00
1.367,75 Futures 1 USD 83,62
ESH2 28/02/2012 1.370,50
1.371,50 Futures 1 USD -37,16
ESH2 29/02/2012 1.373,88
1.375,00 Futures 1 USD 41,84
ESH2 29/02/2012 1.373,69
1.374,50 Futures 1 USD 30,22
ESH2 29/02/2012 1.373,40
1.373,75 Futures 1 USD 13,17
ESH2 29/02/2012 1.373,40
1.371,75 Futures 2 USD -122,43
ESH2 29/02/2012 1.371,25
1.366,50 Futures 1 USD 176,67
ESH2 29/02/2012 1.368,75
1.367,75 Futures 1 USD 37,19
ESH2 01/03/2012 1.366,25
1.367,75 Futures 1 USD 56,34
ESH2 01/03/2012 1.369,50
1.372,50 Futures 1 USD -112,68
ESH2 01/03/2012 1.372,50
1.372,50 Futures 3 USD -75,12
ESH2 01/03/2012 1.372,50
1.372,00 Futures 1 USD 18,78
ESH2 01/03/2012 1.372,50
1.371,00 Futures 1 USD 56,34
ESH2 05/03/2012 1.368,00
1.364,25 Futures 1 USD 141,83
ESH2 05/03/2012 1.362,13
1.364,50 Futures 2 USD -179,65
ESH2 05/03/2012 1.363,83
1.363,75 Futures 1 USD -3,15
ESH2 05/03/2012 1.362,50
1.362,50 Futures 3 USD -100,86
ESH2 06/03/2012 1.363,38
1.356,75 Futures 1 USD 251,84
ESH2 06/03/2012 1.363,38
1.349,25 Futures 1 USD 536,95
ESH2 08/03/2012 1.359,50
1.367,50 Futures 1 USD 302,07
ESH2 09/03/2012 1.365,50
1.367,50 Futures 1 USD 75,81
ESH2 14/03/2012 1.368,75
1.398,25 Futures 1 USD 1.129,23

Total € 4782,82