Thursday, 29 December 2011

We close the year with another good trade!

After the buying in late November that give us good profits, we close December again with a last excellent trade.

In the precedent Posts you can see how I forecasted a rally at the end of the year. In the Private Blog I have waited some days around mid December to enter then Long between 19 and 20 December. This last trade, closed yesterday at 1256 points, permit us to take tens points in profit, with a buying around 1205 points and/or at 1228 points.

So I'm happy about the trading in the last month, with 2 trades Long. What is surprising is the PFS that was forecasting with years in advance the Low in 24-25 Novemebr, and not only a change in trend, but the direction. The PFS, and others studies, indicated an up market in December, and in this way we was able to take advantage from this forecast.

This is the S&P500 Index:

In the first days of January it will be published the last work in collaboration with Brad of the SacredScience, it will be a complete course where I explain exactly how create the PFS, which studies and strategy I use to trade the S&P500, revealing the reasons of every my forecast and trade of the last 9 months.